Sunday Gathering | October 9

Pastor Alicia finished out our series this week on The Parables of Jesus, this week, she spoke from Luke 15:8-10, what is often called the parable of the lost coin, but as Pastor Alicia points out, it’s more about the parable of the found coin, and how Jesus meets us where we are!

We had a bit of an audible this week, in that we combined house churches at the last minute, but we ended up with a great turnout and some awesome time of fellowship and discussion. Complete with Pizza and ice cream cake! Take the time to watch this week’s message from this past week and see some of the photo highlights below.

Reminder, next week we’ll be meeting at the Messners for a combined house church!

Below are the Discussion Questions for this Week

1) How are the Pharisees just as lost as the sinners they despised?

2) What is the joy experienced in being found and what is the joy experienced in the finding of the lost?

3) What part of you have you lost? How did you lose it?

4) Where are you on your searching journey? What has it looked like for you?


Sunday Gathering | October 16


Sunday Gathering | October 2