Sunday Gathering | October 16

This week pastor Ryan began a new series called “What is The Bible?” Where we’ll be spending the next 4 weeks talking about What the Bible is, why we should trust it, and how we can apply it to our life! You WON’T want to miss this!

Because Pastor Trevor and Rachelle were out (congrats on baby Mason!) this week we had a combined house-church gathering at the Messners, it was a great time of fun, fellowship, and delicious BBQ Chicken! Pastor Ryan also taught the kids the Noah Story from the Jesus Storybook Bible.

Reminder, next week we’ll be having our monthly Sending Service at the Mesa Christian Academy, you won’t want to miss it!

Below are the Discussion Questions for this Week

1) If the purpose of the Bible is that it leads us to Jesus, how should that affect the way that we read it today?

2) How does the Bible work to shape our faith today? What should we hold with “tight” and “lose” fists?

3) If Jesus is the Word of God, and the Bible points us to Jesus, how does that help us understand the Old Testament?


Sending Service | October 23


Sunday Gathering | October 9