Sunday Gathering | October 2

This week Pastor Ryan continued to lead us through our Parables of Jesus series with the Parable of the Good Samaritan. In the message, Pastor Ryan tried to bring a new perspective by asking us if we have eyes to see and ears to hear. Do we take action when we see the Kingdom of God breaking through?

Below are the Discussion Questions for this Week

1) Have you ever heard this interpretation of the Good Samaritan, how does it change your perspective or challenge what you already knew?

2) What does it look like for our church to be the Samaritan in the story, as opposed to the priest and Levite? How can we be proactive in caring for our neighbors and community?

3) A lot of our parables that we've discussed during this series have been about what God's Kingdom is like, or how we can live out God's Kingdom today, how does this parable call you to live into God's Kingdom within your own life?


Sunday Gathering | October 9


Sending Service | September 25th