Sunday Gathering | June 25

Lots of busy kiddos for week 4, enjoying singing along with worship, and learning about Jesus and how God's grace is complete! Pastor Christy shared a message on how "This is the Way We Carry Each Other." Perhaps a little known fact about our group is we happen to have a lot of amazing weight lifters! And God calls us to bear one another's spiritual and emotional burdens as well. Through scripture, and also examples in history we learned about people who were willing to accept a cruciform life that says, "He's not heavy, he's my brother!" We talked about Desmond Doss, the hero of the story of Hacksaw Ridge, and we talked about Rev. James Reed who was killed after traveling across the country to support the march across the Edmund Pettus bridge in Selma, Alabama. We highly recommend looking into these two stories if you missed them on Sunday. Here's some of the questions we asked of ourselves:

  1. When have you experienced the people of God helping shoulder a burden for you?

  2. When have you felt God nudging you to do the same? And how can we be praying that you will be able to do that?


Sunday Gathering | July 2


Sunday Gathering | June 18