Sunday Gathering | June 18

What a joy to spend Father's Day evening together as a Church family! We had a special dinner with sous vide pork tenderloin, yummy breads, and potato salad. The kids got extremely wet with exciting water balloon games in the backyard. And the sermon focused on how "This is the Way of Downward Mobility" by looking closely at Matthew 20:20-28. In this story, Jesus answers the questions of a proud mama who is hoping her two sons will get important spots in the kingdom of Heaven. But, the kingdom of God does not work like the kingdoms of this world. We see this in many places in scripture,but especially in the example of servant leadership we see from Christ himself. Before celebrating communion together, we asked:

  1. Have you ever struggled with the idea of the downward mobility of the Kingdom of God? What changed for you?

  2. Is there something specific you feel God putting on your heart as a result of this message?


Sunday Gathering | June 25


Sunday Gathering | June 11