Sunday Gathering | June 11

The second week of June we said goodbye to some of our friends traveling throughout the summer, and we continued with collecting items for our local public school. Pastor Ryan led the children's lesson on how "God's Grace Goes Ahead" and Pastor Christy spoke to the grown-ups about how "This is the Way of Peace." Focusing on Matthew 5:38-48. In a world that values violence and retaliation, Jesus instructs us to be strangely peaceful, forgiving people. An example we found humbling and inspiring was the story of the Amish community's response to a deadly school shooting in 2006. The story can be found in full in the book Prodigal Prophet by Timothy Keller. This is a tough subject for anyone. We're contemplating what this means for us by asking:

  1. Where, in your personal context, do you feel God calling you to choose the way of peace?


Sunday Gathering | June 18


Sunday Gathering | June 4