Sunday Gathering | June 4

We had a great turn out this week! The kids began the Journey of Grace Vacation Bible School video lessons, and activities. In addition to water balloons and popsicles, they colored a "flat Grace" to take with them all summer and take selfies to remind us that God's Grace is everywhere! While they were busy, Christ preached on the subject of "This is the Way of Jesus", focusing on how we are completely transformed into a new creation, just like a caterpillar to a butterfly. The scripture reading came from the story of Nicodemus in John 3:1-21. We followed up with really great conversation on the questions: 

  1. If you feel comfortable sharing, where do you see yourself metaphorically, in The Very Hungry Caterpillar story?

  2. How have you experienced radical transformation in your life? Or, when have you witnessed that kind of transformation in someone else’s life?


Sunday Gathering | June 11


Sunday Gathering | May 28