Sunday Gathering | July 2

The Unshakeable Kingdom: God Knows Us
Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:14 -18

Pastor Trevor Begins his series on the book of Hebrews, The Unshakeable Kingdom! We jumped into week one together as Pastor Trevor challenged us to begin reading through Hebrews during the week, noting that to truly understand the power of the unshakeable kingdom of Jesus we would need to take on the challenge and do more than just show up on Sunday! Will you join us in taking on Pastor Trevor’s challenge?

1. When was the last time you felt overwhelmed or broken in this world?
2. How does it make you feel to know Christ has felt what you feel?
3. How can we be reminded this week of what Christ has done for us? How can we lean into him.


Sunday Gathering | July 9


Sunday Gathering | June 25