Sunday Gathering | August 7

This week we started our new sermon series, The Parables of Jesus! Pastor Alicia Started us out with the Parable of the Sower, and brought up great questions about where we are in our walk with Jesus and how deep our roots of faith are! We also started back in our 2 main house churches and it was a great time of fellowship and growing together!

We’re continuing to gather in our house churches next week, just click “Plan Your Visit” above and join with us!

1) What is one of your favorite stories? What morals can you find from that story?

2) Do you have a real-life example of one of the soils?

3) What soil do you feel you are right now?

4) What ways can we as a group support the cultivation of good soil in your life?


Sunday Gathering | August 14


Service Sunday | July 31