When: October 1st, 12:00 am - October 31, 11:59 pm.

What: Someone Fasting Daily, Someone in prayer every hour.

How: Arizona Nazarene Churches take on the challenge of the OctoberFast.

Theme: Unity

Prayer & Fasting

Join with The Table Naz as we step into the month of October with intentional Prayer and Fasting for the entire month. Sign up with your local church and choose one full day to fast, and an hour to spend in prayer sometime in October. 

-Why are we praying? 

We are praying for unity, peace, our local churches, and family members, the nation. There is no limit to who or what we can be in prayer for. We must focus our mind, heart, and souls on Christ, being face to face with Jesus Christ.

-Why are we fasting?

We are willingly giving something up to God. Whether that is your meals for that day, your access to technology and social media, something that keeps you from intimacy with Christ. We will hunger for Christ, express our neediness to be with God, and worship Him through this earthly sacrifice. 


I look at Matthew Chapter 6:16-17 (ESV); where Jesus is teaching His disciples prayer and fasting. “And when you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites… But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face.” I also see in Ezra Chapter 8:23 (NLT) “So we fasted and earnestly prayed that our God would take care of us, and he heard our prayer.” The exiles gather together and pray and fast trusting God for their protection being united as one people. I believe that our churches will take the challenge seriously and that through your leadership would understand the importance of prayer and fasting. 

It is my hope and prayer that our churches will come together as the Body of Christ to be unified in our prayer and fasting for what the Arizona Nazarene district will journey through these coming years. That we might unify as the Arizona Nazarene Churches and work to build one another up leading our district and denomination into years of successful ministry in the eyes of The Lord.

Pastor Trevor Cherryholmes