Sunday Gathering | November 20

This week pastor Trevor preached a great sermon on Thankfulness, and what it means for us to be spiritually thankful for what God provides for us! We had some new friends join us at the Cherryholmes and pastor Christy and Rachelle planned out a fun kids lesson this week!

Reminder, next week we’ll be having our monthly Sending Service at the Mesa Christian Academy, you won’t want to miss it!

Below are the Discussion Questions for this Week

1) How do you typically pray? Is thanksgiving something you have in all of your prayers?

2) Have you experienced the supernatural peace of Christ? If so, and if comfortable, when?

3) Have you taken pastor Ryan’s challenge to take the Bible Seriously yet? It might just be containing the word you need. Why or why haven’t you started.


Sending Service | November 27


What is the Bible? Parts 3 and 4