Sunday Gathering | February 5

This week we were back in our houses for our normal house church gatherings! We had some pasta to share, some delicious dessert, and great time with friends! Pastor Ryan Finished up our New Beginnings series by teaching on what it means for us to follow God’s vision, both personally and as the church. Take a watch below!

Next week we’re having a special church gathering at the Mesa Christian Academy for our “Souper Bowl” Sunday at 3:00. Check HERE for more details!

Below are the Discussion Questions for this Week

1) Have you ever had a vision for your future, either personally or for your family? What has that looked like? Were you successful?

2) What does it mean to have a vision from God? How is it different than a personal vision?

3) Have you been fearful of a vision God has given you? How can we encourage each other to live into the God given vision He has for us?

4) What vision do you think God is calling The Table to?


Sunday Gathering | February 12 + SouperBowl Party


Service Sunday | January 29