Sunday Gathering | February 19

Pastor Ryan finished off our 2 week sermon series on Jonah, he preached about how God’s grace is for everyone and that our job is to show grace and let Him show judgment. It was a great time of gathering, eating, praising God, and watching some more Veggie Tales! Next week we’ll be gathering at the Mesa Christian Academy, make sure to join us at 5:00 for a potato bar and 6:00 for our nightly service

Below are the Discussion Questions for this Week

1) Have you ever noticed a time when you were slow to give grace to someone?

2) Why does judgment come so much easier than grace? How can we switch the two?

3) How can we, as a church, be a place that is known for grace instead of judgment?


Sending Service| February 26


Sunday Gathering | February 12 + SouperBowl Party