Sunday Gathering | August 15
This week for our gathering we met at our building, where we will meet for our monthly Sending service, for a rehearsal service. We wanted to try out our new sound equipment and test out how we will use the building. This is especially important because our next week will be our LAUNCH SERVICE! We can’t wait to officially launch The Table and start sharing the good news of Jesus!
This week Pastor Ryan preached the last sermon of our series on Samuel, he talked about what it means for us to be in the desert and how important it is for us to pray for the launch of The Table. As part of his sermon Ryan challenged the team to pray for at least 10 minutes/day this week, for our launch. Specifically, he challenged us to pray for the following:
The Launch Service goes as well as possible
New people come and get plugged in to a house church
People come to know Jesus through The Table
That we can be a positive impact on our community
Drive by the building this week and say a prayer for our service
Check out the sermon below.